The Unleashed Magic of 3D Printed Mockups
It would be surely depreciating to say that architectural mockups are just small representations of the projects or existing buildings. There’s something uniquely appealing in these tiny constructions that look as samples of unknown micro world. After reading the article below you will know what we mean.

Mockup of a building 3D printed for developers
The Added Value
They are called Model-Art Lisieccy, a well-matched team of creative minds that together face the challenging task of creating high quality mockups. They can obtain such good results thanks to the variety of skills each of them possesses and being open to new solutions. What else can be the result of a fruitful cooperation of a sculptor, product designers, mechatronic technician and architects? Just have a look!

Cruise ship model 3D printed on Zortrax M200
Don’t Miss the Bus
But architecture is not the only thing they could put their best foot forward. Models of various vehicles are an integral part of their rich portfolio. Buses, tanks and even trams – all done with a lot of attention put into the detail. Thanks to this and the experience in creating models the tiny objects look like real machines.

3D printed bus model with lights
Don’t Waste Time
Asked about the reason for choosing Zortrax M200 3D printer and decision to use the additive manufacturing technology in their business, one of the main things they stressed was time. As creating each mockup is still a rather time consuming activity, the 3D printing technology can reduce its amount to a great extend. But that’s one thing.

Factory mockup with surrounding area and driveways
Efficiency Revolution
Apart from speeding up, the thing Model-Art Lisieccy team really appreciates is also the efficiency boost. That was mainly possible due to the changes on the conceptual level. The manual process of modeling was entirely replaces by the digital designing the result of which are ready to print digital models. Exporting them to the Z-SUITE dedicated software is just a matter of seconds.

Large mockup of business center
Mix and Match
As the design studio requires various materials for each construction, they also utilize different techniques of creating models. They take what’s best from machining, 3D printing and manual modeling, however when it comes to testing one solution beats two of the rest. It’s additive manufacturing that allows for limitless iterations of parts with guaranteed dimensional accuracy. Just to add – all at low costs and almost hands free. That’s the reliability of the Zortrax M200 3D printer that makes you 3D print the same model each time having the same dimensions.

Highly detailed miniature of shopping center
Chase the Challenge
The guys from Model-Art claim that they treat each new project as a challenge and do their best to complete it using the most appropriate technique and materials. Searching for perfection simply led them into the 3D printing world and selecting the 3D printer that meets their needs fully. And since they found M200 their work changed dramatically – since now they could test their visions in reality and enhance the design stage. By showing their works they simply prove that it’s all about being creaitive and don’t stop looking for new, better solutions that sometimes are closer and more comprehensive than we expect.