
It’s Said that Successful Leaders Drive Success Because of Their People

The editorial staff of the prestigious BRIEF magazine as the only one in Poland that create a  yearly ranking of the business people who have shown the greatest creativity in terms of developing their businesses. Zortrax co-founders Rafał Tomasiak and Marcin Olchanowski were nominated for awards in the ranking of the 50 Most Creative People in the Business Society! Brief is a well known brand among marketing, sales and PR specialists in Poland. We’ve just received a message:

“According to the success your company achieved, we have decided that you deserve to be nominated for an award. It is a pleasure to inform you about the nomination”

It’s incredible to receive such kind of messages. This made us proud and motivated us to work even harder and provide you with the best 3D printer and – in the future – other creative products and solutions. Success also generates a lot of new ideas so stay tuned!

Thank you!

Zortrax Team