Z-SUITE Is Opening up to All LCD 3D Printers in Its Latest 2.11.0 Update
- Z-SUITE 2.11.0 is available for download.
- The software is now open to all external LCD 3D printers and has the most comprehensive smart functionalities on the market.
- Rotation Optimization function chooses the optimal model orientation on a platform of any given LCD printer.
- Supports can be generated automatically as well as edited out in a personalized fashion.
- Hollow infill pattern saves up the amount of resin needed to 3D print a model.
- The Split function allows users to cut their virtual projects to print larger models on multiple LCD printers.
The latest Z-SUITE update comes with new features that open up the software to external LCD 3D printers and transform it into the most comprehensive solution for managing resin 3D printing on the market. The 2.11.0 version of Z-SUITE is also equipped with additional functionalities that improve the user experience with the slicing software. Here’s a detailed rundown of the most important changes.
Supporting all LCD printers
Z-SUITE is now compatible with all resin 3D printers working in the LCD technology and unlike its competition, it has all necessary tools to efficiently manage external devices. This makes it a one-stop solution for Zortrax and third-party printers’ users alike. To add new devices simply follow these three easy steps:
- Press the External LCD Printers option and add a new device.
- Once a pop-up window appears you’ll be able to name your 3D printer, insert printing volume and resolution parameters as well as the output file formats used by the device.
- Now you can choose your external 3D printer from the printers list or the bar in the lower-left side of your project and just drag and drop the model file to start 3D printing.
One of the key additions supported on all LCD printers is Rotation Optimization, an algorithm optimizing the model’s orientation on any printer’s platform. The optimization can be done to meet various criteria chosen by the user like minimizing the amount of necessary support to save the resin or maximizing the area resting on the build platform to shorten the printing time.
In order to achieve greater control over support generation, we’ve introduced advanced support editing functions like manual adding or deleting individual support structures to achieve the most desired and fastest results on all LCD printers. For less experienced users, we have also included the ability to automatically generate smart supports that best fit a given model’s structure. What’s more, you can 3D print the model with support structures directly on the platform with no need to generate or print a raft. This further saves up printing time and resin, plus it can also achieve higher quality results of bottom layers.
Filling in all requirements
Z-SUITE also has Hollow infill pattern available for users of all LCD 3D printers. This infill saves up the amount of resin and time needed to print a model. Additionally, holes can be added to the model which allows the resin to drain from the inside so that the printer doesn’t generate a full model filling. You can choose the size of the holes as well as their positioning by clicking at any point of the model to generate drainage for resin.
Already processed 3D models can be divided down into two or more pieces with the Split tool, which allows users to use multiple LCD 3D printers for printing larger models in parts. This function is also helpful if a part of the model is deemed unnecessary and can thus be completely cut out and removed form the printing process.
Additional features
The latest update is also equipped with functionalities that help professional users with additional edits. The Model Smoothing Option, i.e. anti-aliasing, smooths out the edges of the model. The Model Dimension Correction provides advanced users with the ability to improve pixel dimensions in the X and Y axes to achieve the exact proportions in complex engineering models. The software will also highlight overhangs and mark the areas that need to be supported in red.
To enable efficient mass production, we have included the Replication tool which quickly replicates already generated models with support structures and printing settings. Print settings can be saved as printing profiles and easily reused when needed. The Undo functionality can be accessed by pressing a familiar “CTRL+Z” command on the keyboard. Because all performed actions are stored in the software’s history, a user can do this to go multiple steps back in the editing process. The software is also compatible with three new resins for LCD/DLP 3D printing, BlueCast x5, x10 and Original. You can read about these and additional performance upgrades in the changelog by visiting the download section.
By introducing these new functions for all LCD 3D printers and improving on past versions of the software, Z-SUITE has become the most comprehensive slicing and 3D printing management tool available. It’s simple and intuitive to inexperienced users while advanced editing options will satisfy the most advanced professionals.
The latest version of Z-SUITE can be downloaded here after singing in with either a serial number of your Zortrax device or your email address.